Someone wise once said the best way to predict the future is to create it


The Oriented Mind    3 Rounds of ACE steps

The Oriented Mind

3 Rounds of ACE steps

When you are in an emotional storm and need to drop and anchor

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Jon Kabat Zinn   10 Min Guided Mindfulness meditation.

Jon Kabat Zinn

10 Min Guided Mindfulness meditation.

Great to help you to relax and come back into the present moment

Click image to youtube

The Oriented Mind   10min Hypnosis Relaxation Session   For anxiety, stress, balance

The Oriented Mind

10min Relaxation Session

For anxiety, stress, balance

Click image to download


10 Minute Relaxing Sleepcast

For Deep Sleep: Downriver from Sleep

Click image to download



The Oriented Mind   ACE steps to drop an anchor when you are in an emotional storm such as challenging thoughts and feelings, panic attacks, flashbacks, chronic pain

The Oriented Mind

ACE steps to drop an anchor when you are in an emotional storm such as challenging thoughts and feelings, panic attacks, flashbacks, chronic pain

Print it out, practise it when times are less challenging. Keep it in your wallet or somewhere so you can access it when you are in the middle of a storm

Click image to download

The Oriented Mind

AWARE steps for Panic Attacks

Print it out and keep it in your wallet or somewhere so you can quickly and easily remind yourself of the steps

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The Oriented Mind

VUMU steps for checking the validity to your thoughts and feelings

Print it out and keep it in your wallet or somewhere so you can quickly and easily remind yourself of the steps so they become automatic

Click image to download



Cathy Addis Yoga   Free yoga and mindfulness sessions

Cathy Addis Yoga

Free yoga and mindfulness sessions

Simple yoga flows and mindfulness sessions

Click image to youtube

The Happiness Trap

Evolution of the Human Mind

Dr Russ Harris, an acclaimed ACT trainer and author of The Happiness Trap

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Russ Harris Chessboard

This entertaining animation illustrates the internal struggles we have with our thoughts and feelings - and how to step out of them.

Written and narrated by Dr Russ Harris, an acclaimed ACT trainer and author of The Happiness Trap, this animation takes you through the classic ‘chessboard metaphor’, first described in the textbook ‘Acceptance & Commitment Therapy’, by Hayes, Strosahl, Wilson, 1999.

Click image to youtube

Michael Yapko  How to recover from depression

Michael Yapko

How to recover from depression

Leading depression expert and clinical psychologist Dr Michael Yapko draws on research and shares his insights from 40 years of working with those suffering this common mental health issue. Learn the simple skills that research shows can help you or a loved one to recover - and even prevent depression occurring - in this heartwarming and uplifting speech for the Australian Psychological Society.

Click image to youtube

Chris Voss Mirroring

Chris Voss

Mirroring. The hostage negotiator's mirroring. It's just the simple repetition of one to three words, one two three-ish words. Typically it's the last one to three words of what somebody said. But when you get good at mirroring, you could pick one to three words from anywhere in the conversation. The other person feels listened to. It tends to connect their thoughts in their head.

Click image to youtube

Matthew Walker  How To Improve Your Sleep

Matthew Walker

How To Improve Your Sleep

Click image to youtube


HeartMath Coherence and benefits

HeartMath What is Coherence and Benefits

Quick explanation - what is coherence and how does it benefit us

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Heart focussed breathing

Heart Focussed Breathing

How to disrupt worry - step by step how to do Heart Focussed breathing

The HeartMath Institute blog

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Heart Coherence Technique

Heart Coherence Technique

Create a coherent state in about a minute with the simple. Use Quick Coherence especially when you begin feeling a draining emotion such as frustration, irritation, anxiety or anger.

Click image to youtube

Heart Coherence Technique

Heart Coherence Technique

Covers heart focussed breathing and the heart coherence technique

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The attachment project quiz

Attachment Project

Do you know your
attachment style?

Discover how early childhood experiences with your parents impacts your ability to develop relationships as an adult

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Natural mental health resilience quiz

Natural Mental Health

Resilience is your natural state

Discover your Resilience Type with the Resilience Quiz

Click image to page




Bill O'Hanlon   A Lazy's Man's Guide to Success

Bill O'Hanlon

A Lazy's Man's Guide to Success

A short breezy book about how to attain success, even if you are lazy, flaky, disorganized or perfectionistic.

Click image to download



BANDED AGATE - Stability, Grounding, Soothing It transforms negative energy into positive energy. Agate enhances mental function, improves concentration, enhances perception and analytical abilities. It is a soothing and calming gemstone that heals i


Stability, Grounding, Soothing

It transforms negative energy into positive energy. Agate enhances mental function, improves concentration, enhances perception and analytical abilities. It is a soothing and calming gemstone that heals inner anger, anxiety and helps in the strengthening of relationships. Agate instills security and safety.


Focus, Deflect EMF, Learning Rainbow

Fluorite displays multiple bands of varying hues of Fluorite. It is ideal for overall cleansing and repair of the auric field, and for activating and energising the chakras. It calms a chaotic mind and promotes freethinking, flexibility, and freedom of choice. It empowers one to verbalize their ideas and needs with confidence and to embrace self-sufficiency.

MOOKAITE   Nurturing, Shielding, Grounding.


Nurturing, Shielding, Grounding.

Mookaite is a nurturing stone that supports and sustains during times of stress. It brings peace and a feeling of wholeness. Mookaite helps us with decision making, especially when we are having a difficult time. It encourages versatility and helps us to accept change. Mookaite provides us with emotional growth.


Nature, Midwifery, Grounding.

Moss agate has an incredible connection to Mother Earth. It has balanced enduring energy and grounding ability, assisting with mental fatigue and to replenish focus. The vibration of this stone helps to lessen fear and stress and may aid you to attract nature spirits.