Struggling to Find Balance with Eating? Discover Effective Solutions to Take Control and Find Confidence

Look no further than My Bondi Hypnotherapist in Bondi Junction & Waverley, Sydney Eastern Suburbs

Experience quicker, more efficient results in fewer sessions compared to other therapeutic methods

Discover how hypnotherapy can free you from the grip of compulsive overeating.

Imagine a Life Free from Binge Eating

What would your life be like without the constant struggle with binge eating? Picture yourself no longer under the control of compulsive overeating. Right now, that might seem like an impossible dream. When your life revolves around satisfying an overwhelming, secret need, it can consume all your mental and emotional energy.

Binge eating can dominate your thoughts and actions, making it feel like there's no escape. It’s a cycle that seems impossible to break. But the good news is, there is a way out.

Afraid to Stop Binge Eating?

Stopping binge eating might seem not only impossible but also terrifying. You've lived with this compulsion for so long that it feels familiar, almost comforting. You know the routine: planning, stocking up, finding the right moment, indulging, and then dealing with the inevitable guilt and regret. It’s not a pleasant cycle, but it’s one you know all too well.

The thought of breaking free can leave you wondering what life would be like without it. Each time you try to stop through sheer willpower, something triggers your stress or worry, and before you know it, the cycle starts again.

The truth is, trying to stop an unconscious behaviour pattern through conscious effort is rarely successful. You can't win a battle against yourself. But unconscious behaviours can change when you work with your mind, not against it.

This is where My Bondi Hypnotherapist comes in.

Let’s Talk About Your Eating

Guarantee you are making the right decision for your needs book a free 20min discovery call

Whether you need guidance, have questions about Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis, or want to ensure I'm the right therapist for you, let's connect and chat.

Book a no-obligation session now to explore the possibilities together. You can choose whether to have your sessions online or in-person at Bondi Junction or Waverley if it's a fit for you.

Hypnotherapy To Stop Binge Eating

So, how can I help you?

My Approach to Treating Binge Eating

When you come to see me at My Bondi Hypnotherapist, we'll begin by discussing your unique challenges and goals. I’ll listen carefully to your story and help you understand why binge eating has become a part of your life. This understanding is the first step toward change. I'll ask you some thought-provoking questions that will help you break free from the hypnotic grip that binge eating can have over you.

Next, we’ll use a combination of clinical hypnotherapy and strategic psychotherapy to address the root causes of your binge eating. The hypnotherapy sessions will help you achieve a state of focused relaxation, where your mind is more receptive to positive change. Meanwhile, the strategic psychotherapy will work on changing the cognitive patterns that contribute to your binge eating, helping you build a healthier mindset.

What to Expect from Your Sessions

During our sessions, you’ll learn to recognize and manage the emotional triggers that lead to binge eating. We’ll work together to:

  • Reduce stress and emotional triggers that cause binge eating.

  • Develop healthier coping mechanisms.

  • Reframe negative thoughts and beliefs about food and self-worth.

  • Build long-term strategies to prevent relapse and maintain control.

After your first session, many clients report feeling a renewed sense of hope and control over their eating habits. While binge eating isn’t something that disappears overnight, each session will bring you closer to lasting change.

So who am I?

Hi, I’m Claire Addis and I have successfully helped many clients just like you break the cycle of disordered eating

Hailing from Ireland and living in Sydney since 2005. I’m a mum to a couple of kids and an everyday human who has faced similar challenges. I am an Accredited Strategic Psychotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist based in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney Australia.

  • Government Accredited Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Strategic Psychotherapist (10791NAT)

  • Certified NLP Practitioner

  • HeartMath Certified Practitioner for Stress, Anxiety and Self-Regulation.

  • Certified EFT/TFT Tapping Master Practitioner

  • Founding Member ISPA (International Strategic Psychotherapist Association)

  • Member AHA (Australian Hypnotherapist Association)

  • Member HCA (Hypnotherapy Council of Australia)

What’s The Hypnotherapy Process


Make the right decision for you. Learn how I can help you. Are we the right fit. Is this the right therapy.

Connect via phone or zoom


Your first 90min session we will get to know each other and discuss how you are currently doing things. We will set goals and new strategies for you moving forward


Sessions will be 1hr every week/fortnight. Depending on your commitment to making change, anxiety will require at least 4 sessions


Sessions will consist of a mix of strategic psycho-education, clinical hypnosis (20mins) and NLP techniques and tools


Your week/fortnight between sessions you will be required to listen to the hypnosis recording and complete tasks. Repetition is key to making change


Embrace the best version of you by using all the knowlege and tools you have acquired. And if you ever need a boost you can revisit your recordings or book in for top up session

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Stop Binge Eating


  • Hypnotherapy guides you into a deeply relaxed state, allowing access to your subconscious mind. In this state, negative beliefs and fears that drive binge eating can be gently replaced with positive suggestions and healthier coping strategies.

  • Hypnotherapy offers numerous benefits for addressing binge eating, including the ability to identify and resolve the root causes of the behavior while promoting the development of healthier coping strategies in a relaxed environment. By tapping into the subconscious mind, which plays a crucial role in our eating habits, hypnotherapy becomes an effective method for treating binge eating.

  • The conscious mind represents a relatively small portion of our cognitive processes, often estimated to be around 5-10% of our mental activity. This is the part of our mind responsible for immediate awareness, decision-making, and active thinking.

    Conversely, the unconscious mind, which includes various levels of awareness, memories, emotions, and automatic processes, is believed to make up the majority, accounting for roughly 90-95% of our mental activity. It plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, often outside our immediate awareness.

  • Assuming you adhere to the program as instructed, you can typically anticipate a substantial positive outcome within 4-6 sessions in most cases.

  • Hypnotherapy, as I practice it, amalgamates elements of Strategic Psychotherapy and NLP, all facilitated through the use of Clinical Hypnosis. This blended approach enables a more relaxed and expedited pathway to absorb new information or insights. It is a valuable tool for addressing a wide array of issues, foremost among them being anxiety.

  • Hypnosis is a state where you are relaxed and your mind is open to take on new suggestions. Hypnosis occurs when the brain hoovers in-between the states know as Alpha (relaxation) and Theta (deep mediation and light sleep), this is where you have a strong internal focus. If you have ever practised meditation or mindfulness, or found yourself day-dreaming, zoning out while driving, running or become absorbed in a movie, Netflix or a book, you will have already been in a hypnotic trance state.

  • Everyone does hypnosis in their own way, some find it deeply relaxing, others don’t and that’s ok. Nearly everyone can be hypnotised. We go into this hypnotic, trance state regularly throughout our day just doing our routine everyday tasks.

  • There are a number of difference:

    It is a brief therapy, which means unlike many therapies we would look to have a significant outcome in 4-6 sessions for Anxiety, not 20+ sessions.

    It is directive, we don’t wait for you to come up with solution, we are goal oriented, and by working together we will find out how you are doing your problem and how best to resolve it.

    We are focussed on the present and future, if you want to rehash your past and understand why you do something this is not the right therapy for you. Your past is of course important but it is unchangeable, and so to make lasting change we will focus how you are doing your problem and what you can change in your present and future

Hypnosis and CBT Results My Bondi Hypnotherapist

Be Confident I’m The Right Hypnotherapist In Sydney For You

Book a no-obligation, risk-free 20-minute discovery call today.

Find out if this therapy is the right fit for your anxiety and if I'm the right therapist for you. We can connect over the phone or on Zoom, at a time that suits you. If it feels right, you can choose between online or in-person sessions in Bondi Junction or Waverley

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